Month: July 2023
What to Wear after a Hospital Birth
July 29, 2023
A postpartum nurse weighs in on exactly what to wear after a hospital birth. Whether breastfeeding, not breastfeeding, a vaginal...
Is drinking alcohol during pregnancy ok?
July 29, 2023
Is drinking alcohol during pregnancy ok? And what if I already did? A postpartum nurse weighs in on drinking while...
11 Ways to Help Pelvic Pain at 38 Weeks Pregnant
July 15, 2023
Can’t Walk? Here are 11 ways to help pelvic pain at 38 weeks pregnant, from a birth nurse and physiology...
Pregnant with Leaking Fluid and No Contractions
July 9, 2023
This is a common scenario in the birth world. Did your water break? Is it something else? Let’s look at...
How Soon Can I Take a Pregnancy Test?
July 9, 2023
Here’s how soon you can take a pregnancy test, and it be accurate, from a birth nurse. No matter the...