Hit bags, not people.

Coach Leah, Cofounder of Battle Republic

I never thought I would be a part of a gym. Really, I didn’t.

Working out from home was my thing, and believe it or not, I have been self motivated enough to stick with it for the past 15 years (minus pregnancy and postpartum days).

Then Battle Republic came into my life. I stumbled upon them while coming out of a grief-filled season. A friend mentioned this “boxing class” that sounded like it would be fun.

Boxing?? Heck, yes!! I needed to punch things.

I walked in to be immediately greeted by Stevie. She jumped right in, showing me how to glove up and where everything was. I only felt awkward for a split second before feeling like I actually was a part of this place.

How did that happen so fast?
Coach Leah Drury, boss babe

Coach Leah led my first class. She’s one of the founders and a perfect mix of hard anus and encouragement. She gave a quick run down of what to expect as she welcomed me to her class.

The lights dimmed, the neon glowed, the music started bumping, and I was forever hooked! Sweat ran down my face and onto the ground, my heart wondered what in the world I was doing, and my muscles felt completely alive. The HIIT workout ended 45 minutes later, and I was so proud that I made it!

I’m a firm believer that we are given what we need when we need it. We may not get all of the answers at once, or even understand where life is going in the moment, but as long as we take the step given, we WILL move forward. That was Battle Republic for me. The right step at the right time.

We need community in our lives. We really do. Whether it be your gym or your small group, nothing will pull you out of your struggles like a group of people helping you prove to yourself that you can indeed crush the challenge.

I hope you have a Battle Republic in your life too! For my Birmingham friends, there are now two amazing locations, Homewood and the Summit. For my out of town friends, you can actually zoom in on a class or two and see what the fuss is all about. Click here to find out more info.

Hope up and faith on. Find that fighter inside of you and give it all you’ve got!


Rachel is a Postpartum Nurse of 15+ years. She is also a Spinning Babies® CPE, Childbirth Educator, Published Author, and Recipe Creator. Rachel's passion is to encourage and empower women in all things related to motherhood.


  1. Thank you for your encouraging post! Yes community is so important in encouraging us! Thank you for sharing your experience with it! So encouraging!

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