Back with round two of how learning can become a fun thing to do! My son was good at math, but being motivated to do it was a whole different story.

Again, creativity was key in keeping him focused on his lessons. So, in steps Bowser. All my son has to do is see Bowser and he immediately lets out a deep, mischievous “Mwhahaha.” I now had his full attention. On with the lessons!

Adding or Subtracting with Bowser

We had multiple Bowsers. For a time, McDonalds was giving them away in Happy Meals, so we amassed quite a few. But even if you don’t have all of one character, you can combine characters for adding and subtracting. I pulled out the toothpicks to make our addition symbols, and learning was in full swing.

More Mario Addition

I’ve also learned that when it’s time to work on writing and learning letters, I can find a Mario character that begins with that letter, and he is all in to his lesson!

The tricky part has been finding a character for every letter. A Mario character for the letter “Aa”…hmmm. I had to pull out the name of a Mario world to make it fit: Acorn Plains.


With a little creativity, you can make it work! For more ideas, click here. Happy Learning!


Rachel is a Postpartum Nurse of 15+ years. She is also a Spinning Babies® CPE, Childbirth Educator, Published Author, and Recipe Creator. Rachel's passion is to encourage and empower women in all things related to motherhood.

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